Arab Markets

Stocks market is one of the financial markets' types, in which we trade the companies' shares via buying and selling transactions, through five-days' trading sessions every week, while the transactions are subjected to various rules according to each country.

Our company focuses on the middle east stocks markets, providing our services to our clients in the Arab world, via providing strategic portfolios' management with solid professional methods.

FXHighway website provides group of professional services specialized in the Arab stocks' markets, provided by professional team formed by economic and technical analysts with experience that exceeds 15 years, every team is specialized with particular market, gathering together to form strong system to study the financial markets deeply and professionally to provide the essence of these experiences to the clients and investors.

Types of services provided by FXHighway:

First system: daily recommendations, providing direct recommendations once a day before the market opening, after studying the markets and getting the best possible signals, and the signals sent as specific orders; buy at specific price, exact target, and exact stop loss level.

Number of daily recommendations: three to five signals.

Second system: specialized analysis, which depends on the client's requests for specific stocks to be analyzed based on the client's request, studying these stocks through different time frames to get the best possible recommendations for them.

Total stocks to be analyzed daily reach to 10 stocks.

Third system: the instant follow up subscription (VIP), which we follow up the client's account/portfolio instantly upon the client's request all over trading sessions' times, as the portfolio manager is ready to receive the client's inquiries related to his account's transactions and providing consultations that we recommend to execute, whether to open new position or dealing with already opened position that has floating loss or profit.

Total number of stocks in this system is 20 stocks.

Fourth system: Portfolio management, as we fully manage the portfolio and get 25% of the net monthly profits.

Investors who want to get benefit of the technical analysis and portfolios' management services of the Arab Markets, please fill the contact us page.